Safety and quality notice

Our products: CULLYGRAT®Fe and CULLYGRAT®MS, as well as our company CULLYGRAT®, have absolutely nothing to do with companies that offer "chemical deburring" or that even partially take texts from our descriptions or regulations or are located near us. We guarantee our consistent quality, perfection and the ability to re-form the workpieces processed with CULLYGRAT®.

Selective Removal

The essential feature with chemical deburring by means of CULLYGRAT® is the selective removal of metal which mainly concerns the areas jutting out from the surface. Thus microscopic uneven areas - these are burrs and edges - are removed first. This means that the edges of the workpieces are leveled more quickly than the surface in its totality so that delicate burrs on edges as well as residual burrs or fragments that remain on the surface are removed.

Opposite to the electro-chemical process it is not necessary with the CULLYGRAT® Process to look out for burrs within the throwing power of the electrolytic bath.

As the complete workpiece is normally dipped into the bath, the surface, - in case of suitable basic material -, will be smoothed and deburred at the same time. The depth of roughness is thus reduced to 50 - 60% of the original value, and the surface quality is improved.

Once the various parameters for the chemical deburring have been fixed constant results will always be obtained.